Monday, August 27, 2007

Be Inspired

There’s just too much that a person can take in his/her lifetime yet we are able to take so many things at once. We take it because we need to. We take all of it because we must and most of the time we take it all because we have no other choice. Then we end up thumped up to the bones - even to our very soul. There’s just in excess of things that we need to face each day that most of the time we forgot how to appreciate the wonders and gifts the Lord has given us.

I, for one, is very much beat up myself. There are times that I would want to stop the clock and just breathe in and out, hoping that as I exhale all the worries go away too. Yet we know that life doesn’t go that way. So we seek for something that would inspire us. May it be people, things, or words that would help to enlighten us so that we could go on our life. That no matter how beat up you are, you could still stand up and face everything because you are inspired to go on.

There is one blog over the internet that I found out recently that offers inspirational words - words that would uplift your soul and ease your mind. The blog is called Karl's blog by Karl Moore (a best-selling author and entrepreneur). His blog has interesting entries that one might found very helpful. He has entries that are set to inspire and help individuals in their spiritual growth. I really find Karl's blog very helpful. Whenever I am down, I tried to read through Karl's blog entries and try to find words that would somehow inspire me. Often, I can find it there. I suggest that you check his blog yourself. Who knows, you might even need it more than I do. Mondays and Fridays are special days for his blog. Mondays is for "Random Act of Kindness" and Fridays is for "Friday Factoid." I believe that you would find his blog exciting and inspiring as I do. So what are you waiting for? Visit his blog now and be inspired!

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