Sunday, April 15, 2007

How I draw at Home

I am renting a small space and all my tables are filled with so many things. When I draw, I usually sat down the floor and flex my knees so I could use my legs as a support for my drawing board. However, there was so much work at the office right now because we are targeting a timeframe to finish the animated series Fantastic Four ( for us to start with Spider-Man feature animation by mid June this year) so I have to bring a lot of drawings at home. Below is the innovative way on how I address my problem of not having a drawing table/light box.

I use my Harry Potter Book 5, the Witching Hour novel, M&M's bucket, P910i box and Laptop box as my stand. Then, I bought a glass to be my table top and use two lamps for the lights.

When the lights are turned on, an instant light box and a drawing table in one. It's hard to draw this way though but I get use to it after a while.

I am still drawing this way and I kind of liking it. But when I will be able to raise money, I would be able to have my drawing table with light box design created.

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